Hello, I am Juan Pedro

Blockchain developer of applications and services in the web3 ecosystem

Hello, I am Juan Pedro

Blockchain developer of applications and services in the web3 ecosystem

Blockchain developer

I am Juan Pedro López, a Telecommunications Engineer and programming enthusiast with over 20 years of experience in the technical development of products and services, always driven by the creative aspect of the work.

I have found in the blockchain ecosystem the incentive to continue creating and learning, motivated by both the technological challenge it represents and the socioeconomic innovations it entails.

Have you discovered the benefits that adopting blockchain technology could bring to your company but lack all the necessary resources?

I can help you successfully integrate your blockchain project into your business processes, services, or products, making you more competitive and more appreciated by your customers, overcoming all the current technological challenges.

Contact me to see how we can collaborate.

I appreciate your interest in advance. If you want to know more about my background, my training and my professional services, you can do so on my LinkedIn profile.

Blockchain developer


How can I help you?


I help you evaluate different options for your project. I am self-taught and stay up-to-date with technological advancements to make the most appropriate decisions at any given time.


Decentralized applications are the interface of the blockchain, but their development differs from that of conventional applications.


Smart contracts provide decentralized business logic. It’s essential to seek cost efficiency in blockchain transactions and ensure maximum security.


If your users and customers don’t find it easy to use blockchain technology, they will never discover its advantages.


Blockchain innovation will only be a part of your business. I provide support in integrating it with your other processes.


I provide you with the tools to manage project maintenance autonomously within your company.


I offer my expertise to ensure that blockchain becomes an opportunity rather than a risk for your company.

My project as a blockchain developer

Since the blockchain ecosystem is continuously evolving, I am going to undertake a side project in web3 development to experiment as the technology progresses.

The goal is to deploy on an Ethereum testnet a decentralized application to securely register on the blockchain the digital fingerprint and timestamp of a document stored in an external repository and assign a digital token to its owner.

To share my experiences and learning, I will publish articles related to this blockchain development on my blog. In this way, I hope to also contribute to the growth and evolution of the community interested in the blockchain ecosystem.

My latest posts

Verification of smart contracts with Hardhat

Verification of smart contracts with Hardhat

The verification of smart contracts is essential to ensure security and transparency in blockchain projects. Tools such as Etherscan and Sourcify are analyzed, and their usage is detailed through Hardhat.

Deploy smart contracts with Hardhat

Deploy smart contracts with Hardhat

Guide on how to use Hardhat Ignition to deploy smart contracts on Ethereum-compatible networks. Various tools to automate the process are analyzed.

Learn about my project