
March 10, 2024 2024-04-02 17:17

In these articles, I share my experience in developing a DApp on the blockchain.

Do you have a DApp or blockchain project you want to implement? Contact me.

Showing 1–3 of 7 results
Develop Smart Contracts with Hardhat

Develop Smart Contracts with Hardhat

Hardhat is a development environment for creating smart contracts on Ethereum, offering tools for coding, compiling, debugging, and deploying. It is an alternative to other environments like Truffle and Foundry.

Sending Ether from a smart contract

Sending Ether from a smart contract

Safely sending Ether between contracts requires understanding all the possibilities offered by Solidity and applying appropriate design patterns to prevent vulnerabilities and attacks.

Custom Errors in Solidity

Custom Errors in Solidity

Custom errors in Solidity are a more efficient alternative to throwing strings in exceptions, reducing gas usage and allowing for structured error handling.

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